Wednesday, 12 February 2014

New beginnings

The Grade R class of 2014

A few things happen in your mind,soul and body when you graduate and become a teacher for the first time at the age of 52...but the most wondrous of the feeling of being blessed with the tiny bodies, minds and spirits of the future...never in a million years would I have testified to the awesome feeling of...just belonging...just being blessed...just enjoying the fruit of all that you have learnt in the reflection of eyes that follow your every new Grade R class at Morgenzon Landbou Akademie, Mpumalanga!

To mould our future leaders according to Scripture an Education Department is no minor task...everything is new: people skills (thanks Suzanne), managing the classroom (thank you Lee), Language, life and social skills (thank you Sandra), Math skills (thank you Peter) but most of all independent research skills (thank you Cornerstone Christian College)!

I love the vibe of the classroom and know that the Lord is present in all I do, say and act...Bless all teachers who feel the same calling as I do!

Praise the Lord!