Yes, Einstein was challenged with
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).
During my research on barriers to learning, I was amazed to learn that many prominent celebrities suffer from this disorder and how challenged their lives became in social context.
ODD is a disruptive behaviour disorder. There are three types, namely:
Attention defecit-hyperactivity characterised by inattention, a high level of activity and impulsivity, or a combination of these, Note, though, that it is often not considered a disability;
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is diagnosed when learners are defiant with adults and vindictive or blaming with peers to an excessive degree over a long period of time; and
Conduct disorders are diagnosed when learners fight, bully, display cruelty to animals or people, or otherwise repeatedly break serious rule.
[Taken from Educational Psychology. Anita Woolfolk. 11th Edition. Pearson, page 137]
How does one distinguish between just plain bad behaviour and ODD as a teacher, apart from seeking professional help? I experience primary school learners as children that have not been taught the ethics, manners and self-worth common to a normal family setup, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are ODD due to their aggressive and unmannered behaviour towards teachers and peers.
The answer is basically to consider where the child has come from at any given day, try to establish patterns of occurance and keep a portfolio, talk to teachers who have experienced the same behaviour with that specific child, talk to the parents and family during parent meetings to pin down the occurance, and finally refer the child to a professional for diagnosis. Until then the child cannot be labelled and the process of support can begin with a holistic approach of child, family, school and professional caring net of sharing information.
There is so much resentment in our children today towards the world, but on the other hand I must admit that if I were a learner in my community today, I would also be furious with the Do BE with the challenging ergonomics and teacher quality we find in schools currently. I have so much empathy for the way learners have to experience their education - which should actually be a carefree time of their lives.
One can only hope for an education rebirth on all levels of society.
On a less serious note...In the book
"A bee in a cathedral. And 99 other scientific analogies." Joel Levy published an analogy 'Measuring the Internet' by way of Einstein's formula.
"Russell Seitz of Harvard University took a novel approach and decided to weigh the Internet. Einstein's famous equation
E=mc² describes how energy has mass (albeit infinitesimally small mass). Seitz applied this principle to an estimate of the total amount of Internet traffic in bytes, multiplied by the energy required to move a byte of information, arriving at the conclusion that the Internet weighs 56g (2 oz) - about the weight of a large egg."